Escape Room: Tournament of Champions - Let the Games Begin (Again)

Escape Room: Tournament of Champions - Let the Games Begin (Again)

Every now and then, a movie formula comes along that is so imminently repeatable and yet rich with room for reinvention. Saw, The Purge and now Escape Room provide blank canvases on which new characters can be cast and new dimensions can be added. This entry finds us delving a bit deeper into the mythology of this universe, but more than anything, it gives us another chance to watch our heroine save the day. She is the movie embodiment of #BlackGirlMagic a la Stacey Abrams. It’s a ton of fun to watch other characters trust and rely on her as part of a relatively uncomplicated narrative about cooperation, perseverance and survival.


When we pick up the action, Zoey (played by Taylor Russell) is in counseling after having survived her previous journey through Minos Corporation’s death traps. Now, she is intent on seeing Minos Corporation brought to justice, so she travels to New York to collect evidence of the existence of this evil cabal of wealthy sadists who enjoy watching people face death for their entertainment. Her friend, Ben, who she saved in the previous round of escape rooms travels with her and before they know it, they wind up trapped in an escape room all over again.

This time, they are joined by other people who have survived before and the puzzles are even more difficult. At each turn, Zoey is beyond brilliant and manages to keep them alive in the face of daunting challenges. But as some around her die, her resolve to bring Minos to justice becomes even greater. Can she bring them down? Can anything bring them down? The answer lies at the end of another excruciating journey.


Personally, I am a sucker for formulas that work. Simple premises get me every time and there is nothing simpler than “some of these people you just met are going to die before they make it out of this room.” Logic games and puzzles up the ante as you try to watch them solve their way out. If this sounds like something you also enjoy, it will not disappoint. There are enough twists and turns to keep the formula interesting, but beware that it definitely doesn’t take itself too seriously. There’s not too much high minded digestion to do. You just sit there and enjoy the ride.

The plot is kind of inane, the events are wholly unrealistic, and the characters are ankle deep water, but there is enough flare in the craft that it’s not a painful ride. Whether it justifies itself as a sequel is an open question, but it’s not one worth spending much time on. Like the escape rooms at its core, just survive and move on—there’s always more.



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