Review: Don't Breathe

I can't really say I blame them for not reinventing the genre. If it were easy, every movie would do it. But at the same time, I can't help but feel like they squandered an A+ idea with a C+ effort. 

Review: Sausage Party

It is a cross between The Secret Life of Pets and Toy Story, but with a brand of humor that might make Ted blush. If you don't know who Ted is, you probably have no business anywhere near this one.

Review: Suicide Squad

If you are someone who just loves these characters, you might indeed have fun with this one. But you aren't going to get much more depth than if you had played the trailer 30 times instead. 

Review: Nerve

Picture Truth or Dare meets Pokémon Go meets Facebook Live. Now, add in a healthy dose of teenage angst and unpredictability and you will have a sense of the game at the center of Nerve.  As the stakes increase, the story hums like the neon Tron: Legacy-inspired lights that fill the frame.

Hollywood's Role In Making Black Lives Matter

In light of recent events, many are asking why certain institutions fail to see Black Americans as human beings. While that is not necessarily on the Black community to solve itself, it is apparent that we are in dire need of a radical realignment of public perceptions.

Review: Weiner

In some ways, Weiner succeeds whether it is an accurate portrayal of the former New York Congressman or not. If it is all a façade, then that almost tells us more about the man than if he had let us in. As is, there is no way to really know, but Weiner entertains regardless.

Mid-Year Oscar Checkin

Are there any films from this year that have a chance to do the same? Have we already seen something that might make the Best Picture lineup? One of the acting categories? Something else?

Review: The Shallows

On the surface, The Shallows is a thoroughly competent thriller that extends the lineage of Jaws. However, if you dip a metaphorical toe beneath the surface, there are definite problems here, no matter how tightly the story is told. 

Review: Finding Dory

The film offers a thoughtful examination of the concepts of family and home, but it could have taken an all of the above strategy and given audiences a less conventional narrative. 

Review: X-Men: Apocalypse

There is a lot to like here, even if it sometimes can't help but feed the CGI fueled, product-placement machine that is the genre at large. Overall, it works, but it is hard to say much more than that.